As one of the main part of a graphic identity is shown through a logo, we aim to keep a strong intention into our prossess.​

Playing with my last name and how it can be spelled out using only 3 letters, I was inspired by to main styles : Cartoonish and Art Déco.
Being able to add a roundness to the strokes that display according to a very gastby inspired typo was the result we where looking for in this design.
For Syrine Hachemi, a lyon based make up artist who works for fashion events in the beauty indusrty.
We were looking for a very symetrical arabesque design with a strong influence from the hausmanian aera.
Keeping it black and white for a more actual taste and to enhace the cvurves and almost organic strokes as a tribute to her make up style.

MxB Dance
Aiming to join two dance schools: Mexi Dance and Blyes Dance, this logo is here to create an unity between the two entites while still keeping the original logos colors and shape.